The next interview in our stagey chat series, is with the current cast of West End smash hit, 2:22 A Ghost Story. Chatting to us today, we have the incredible Tom Felton, Beatriz Romilly and Sam Swainsbury

Jenny (Mandip Gill) believes her new home is haunted, but her husband Sam (Tom Felton) isn't having any of it. They argue with their first dinner guests, old friend Lauren (Beatriz Romilly) and new partner Ben (Sam Swainsbury). Can the dead really walk again? Belief and scepticism clash, but something feels strange and frightening, and that something is getting closer. So they're going to stay up until 2:22….and then they'll know.

Get yourself comfy and join Tom, Beatriz, Sam and I for a chat about all things stagey!

This is the third consecutive run for 2:22 A Ghost Story. What do you think makes this
play as popular as it is?
Tom Felton: It’s a lot of fun and there’s a huge sense of camaraderie in the audience.
Beatriz Romilly: Where do I start...the writing is brilliant, it’s scary, layered and funny. The production values are brilliant. It will scare you, make you laugh and cry.
Sam Swainsbury: It’s a really well written and well structured piece of theatre. It keeps you hooked and engaged and just when you think you know where it’s going, it turns a sharp corner and takes you somewhere completely different.  

I've seen the show, and of course, am bound to secrecy. But can you tell us about the
characters you play?
TF: A man of science, a professor who loves astronomy, and also believes that there is no such
thing as the supernatural.
SS: I play Ben and he visits Sam and Jenny’s house as the partner of Lauren. He doesn’t know anyone other than Lauren and his beliefs often clash with Sam played by Tom. He’s a builder from a working class background and often feels like a fish out of water in the more middle class environment; Sam and Jenny’s dinner party. 
BR: Lauren is a psychotherapist. She’s Sam’s university friend who comes over to dinner with her new boyfriend Ben. She’s intelligent, funny and impulsive.

2:22 A Ghost Story always attracts a cast of stellar talent. What was it about the story that
interested you to take part?
TF: The modern conflicting opinions of what is scientifically provable and what is not.
BR: I was on the edge of my seat when I first read the script. It’s such a beautifully crafted story with four wonderful characters. I also love Lauren, roles like these are a gift.
SS: It’s a brilliant script, a sexy production and a gift of a part. It was a no-brainer!  

Does this run of 2:22 A Ghost Story differ in any way from the previous two consecutive
BR: I didn’t get to see the previous two runs, but I’m guessing although the story is still the same each cast will bring a different dynamic.
SS: I didn’t see the previous versions, but we’ve some big shoes to fill. The beauty of this job is that Matthew and Isabel the directors let us do our own thing and bring our own versions of the characters to the table. The template of the show is the same, but we’re all completely different to the previous casts. 

In theatre, I'd say scares are often the most difficult audience reaction to achieve. Do you
think this production will scare audiences? Will it illicit gasps and screams within the
SS: If the screams I’ve heard from the audiences are anything to go by I think that’s a big fat YES.
TF: Yes! But in a good way. It will keep you on the edge of your seat not send you home with nightmares.
BR: Yes, it will! One of my favourite things about performing in this show is hearing the audience react to what’s happening. I won’t say what, but just make sure you finish your drink before entering the
auditorium as it might end up on your lap.

Without giving anything away, do you have a favourite moment or line of dialogue within
the show?
TF: “There’s even logic to shitting yourself, covered in your own faeces you’re a less attractive
BR: I do...but I’d be giving too much away if I told you.
SS: There are too many to choose from! We’ve all got some absolute corkers.

Beatriz, how are you feeling about returning to a London stage? UK theatre audiences have missed you! 
BR: I feel incredibly lucky to be back! I am working with such a talented, warm and joyous company. I too have missed the UK theatre audiences! 

Tom, how does the preparation process differ for a stage production, as opposed to a
film or TV production?
TF: The cast and crew warm up together on stage for theatre and all acknowledge that we’ve
got each other’s back. It’s a very important part of the process because one of us messes up
every night.

Sam, what were you most excited about when joining the cast of 2:22?
SS: The part of Ben is an absolute gift. This job came at a challenging time in my career. My confidence and self esteem were really low. Playing Ben in this production of 2:22 has completely changed that. It’s given me wings and I couldn’t be more grateful. 

My blog is called Stage to Page. But if you could turn any book, from page to stage, what
would it be and why?
TF: The Twits! The imagery from that book stays with you from childhood!
SS:  I’ve been reading a lot of fantasy novels lately and I’m not so sure they’d translate well on to  
stage! It’ll be a bit tricky to do a guy riding a dragon in a different dimension. But maybe that’s me being too narrow minded… 
BR: 10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World by Elif Shafak. I was utterly spellbound by this story, I’ve never read anything like it. The story is full of characters you won’t forget, and you will definitely fall in love with them. The structure would work like a dream on stage. The premise of the story follows Tequila Leila who’s been killed, her brain continues to work for 10  minutes 38 seconds. The story is narrated by her and her best friends. It’s genius. 

Why should people book tickets to see 2:22 A Ghost Story?
SS: It’s such good night out. It’s relatable, thrilling, funny and moving. What more could you want?
BR: It’s a perfect show to watch with a group of your mates. It’ll give you loads to talk about in the pub afterwards.

Thank you so much for taking the time to chat to us. You can catch 2:22 A Ghost Story at the Criterion Theatre, now until September 4th, here.

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